This kit contains 12 remedies that are most useful in first aid and emergency situations. This kit does NOT replace emergency medical care, but can assist on the way to obtaining such care. All remedies are in 1/2 dram vials in a compact container perfect to store in your purse, backpack, etc. Take to sporting events, hiking, camping, etc. Comes with instructions for common acute injuries and the remedy to use in the kit. In a metal tin for easy carrying. Also contains alcohol swabs and bandaids.
Aconite 200C
Arnica 30C
Arnica 200C
Apis 200C
Arsenicum 200C
Calendula 30C
China 200C
Coca 200C
Cocculus 200C
Lachesis 200C
Ledum 30C
Rhus tox 200C
First Aid Kit